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When you download an eBook from this store, a page loads after checkout that gives you a link to temporarily download from. An email is also sent to the provided email address to give access too.
But what happens if you lose your files, your internet goes down, etc?
You need a user account.

Go to the icon above that looks like a little person. Click that, and signup for an account using the email you downloaded eBooks with. When you login, look for your orders tab (and you can also check tracking). Click it.

After you get to your orders page and find the eBook you're trying to redownload, look for the View Details option. Click that and there will be a link for an Order Status Page.

Finally, you'll get to your ACCESS DOWNLOADS link. Click this and a new window will open up, letting you download all the eBooks you've purchased.

still stuck?
I don't aim to make it difficult. My little shop is just like any other: You get cool things and sometimes you need to login and retrieve them. I hope that makes sense. If you're still stuck, or are having issues with your account, please email me. I'm sure we can figure it out together :)
- K. Leigh
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