“Demons: A collection” features stories revolving around demons, mental health, ghosts, vampires and love.
The Vodnik’s Carmine: What if eldritch Gods were sexy and lonely as fuck?
The Daemon: Being a human is complicated enough without grappling with being possessed.
Our Ghosts: Everyone has ghouls they fight, even you.
The Sinner: A real-life retelling of finding faith beyond the darkness.
The Rot Doe: Two monsters destined for love.
Fangs: Unreliable narrator tech support vampire lives life, finds love, and flounders with his newfound powers.
I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them.
eBook specs:
File Type: .epub reflowable, PDF
Page Count: 399
ISBN: 979-8-9908536-0-7
Genre: horror, romance, lgbtq+, ownvoices
Content Warning:
The following stories contains depictions of mental illness, violence, eating disorders and gay graphic consensual sex scenes between a demon and a human and also two mythical creatures.
Consider this your warning for works of fiction that exist to help vent demons, conjure new ones, and let readers know they’re not alone in their fight against their ghouls.
Finally, I ask that you read with love in your heart. Sometimes love takes strange shapes and forms, but it’s always a good thing, even if it comes with horns.